with Youjin Hahn, Eleonora Patacchini, Yves Zenou, Economic Journal , 130 (April), 740–764, 2020
with Youjin Hahn, Eleonora Patacchini, Yves Zenou, Economic Journal , 130 (April), 740–764, 2020
with Marcel Fafchamps, M A Malek, Deb Pakrashi, Journal of Development Economics, 144(May 2020): 102436
with Matthew Leister, Minhaj Mahmud and Paul Raschky, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 61: 67–99, 2020
with Wang-Sheng Lee and Aaron Nicholas, Journal of Development Economics, 150 (May):102615
with Chris Barrett, M A Malek, Debayan Pakrashi and Ummul Ruthbah, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(1), 4-32, January 2022
with Leslie Martin, and Teevrat Garg
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